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2018-19 Academic Calendar
General Information
Academic Standards
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid for Students
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Adult Education
Programs of Study
Special Programs/Projects Distance Learning at CCC&TI
Course Descriptions
ACA - Academic Related
ACC - Accounting
AGR - Agriculture
ANT - Anthropology
ART - Art
AST - Astronomy
AUB - Automotive Body Repair
AUT - Automotive
BIO - Biology
BMT - Biomedical Equipment
BPR - Blueprint Reading
BUS - Business
CET - Computer Engineering Technology
CHM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CJC - Criminal Justice
COM - Communication
COS - Cosmetology
CSC - Computer Science
CTI - Computer Technology Integration
CTS - Computer Technologies
CUL - Culinary
CVS - Cardiovascular Sonography
DBA - Database Management
DFT - Drafting
DMA - Developmental Mathematics
DRA - Drama Theatre
DRE - Developmental Reading English
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EGR - Engineering
ELC - Electrical
ELN - Electronics
ENG - English
EPT - Emergency Preparedness
FIP - Fire Protection
GEL - Geology
GEO - Geography
HEA - Health
HIS - History
HMT - Healthcare Management
HOR - Horticulture
HUM - Humanities
HYD - Hydraulics
INT - International Business
ISC - Industrial Science
LEX - Legal Education
LOG - Logistics Management
LSG - Landscape Gardening
MAC - Machining
MAT - Mathematics
MEC - Mechanical
MED - Medical Assisting
MKT - Marketing and Retailing
MNT - Maintenance
MUS - Music
NAS - Nursing Assistant
NET - Networking Technology
NET 113
NET 125
NET 126
NET 175
NMT - Nuclear Medicine
NOS - Networking Operating System
NUR - Nursing
OPH - Ophthalmic Medical Assistant
OST - Office Systems Technology
PED - Physical Education
PET - Positron Emission Tomography
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
POR - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
PTA - Physical Therapy
RAD - Radiography
REL - Religion
SEC - Information System Security
SEL - Selected Topics
SEM - Seminar
SLP - Speech-Language Pathology
SOC - Sociology
SON - Medical Sonography
SPA - Spanish
TRF - Turfgrass Management
TRN - Transportation Technology
WBL - Work-Based Learning
WEB - Web Technologies
WLD - Welding
Continuing Education and Workforce Development
CCC&TI Full Time Personnel
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2018-2019 College Catalog
NET - Networking Technology
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NET 113
Home Automation Systems
NET 125
Introduction to Networks
NET 126
Routing Basics
NET 175
Wireless Technology
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NET - Networking Technology