Disability Services
Disability Services
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute is dedicated to equality of opportunity for its staff and students. CCC&TI does not discriminate against students, employees, or applicants on grounds of race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, or disability. The college complies with the mandates in the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The law states, “No otherwise qualified handicapped individual shall solely, by reason of his or her handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The revised ADAA reads, “It is the purpose of this Act to provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities.” Excellent information about students with disabilities in postsecondary institutions can also be found online at the Office of Civil Rights, US Department of Education.
CCC&TI also abides by all the parameters of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). Under FERPA requirements, a student has to sign a release form in Student Services if that student wants to allow representatives from Disability Services to share educational information with any individuals other than those individuals who are specifically related to the student’s educational benefit.
The college ensures that all programs and services offered are available and accessible to people with disabilities. To accomplish this goal, both physical access and program access must be provided. In addition to removing architectural barriers, reasonable accommodation are often made in the instructional forum to ensure full educational opportunity to all. However, academic standards are not compromised as part of the accommodation process.
If a student intends to request accommodations and chooses to contact Disability Services and identify themselves as a person with a disability, Disability Services personnel will need appropriate documentation for the disability from the student and determine, through an interactive process, reasonable accommodations. Documentation must come from a qualified, licensed professional in the area of the specific disability and should address the impact of the disability on the student’s educational process. Instructors, students, and Disability Services representatives work together to determine the accommodations that are uniquely applicable and reasonable for each student. Accommodations may apply to seated, hybrid, and online classes as well as to other offerings of the college.
If a student provides documentation to Disability Services late in the semester, accommodations are not applied retroactively; however, accommodations may begin any time during a semester. In addition, accommodations may change at any time for a student depending on that student’s unique situation and supporting documentation. After identifying to Disability Services and providing documentation, students should visit or contact the campus Disability Services representative as early as possible every semester and arrange for reasonable accommodations for that semester’s curriculum. Visits during the semester to keep personnel informed and up-to-date on any problems or perceived barriers are also recommended. Questions and concerns from students, faculty, and staff are always welcome.
For additional information, please call (828) 726-2716 (Caldwell Campus) or (828) 297-3811 ext. 5239 (Watauga Campus). Additionally, Disability Services policies, procedures, forms, and resources can be found on the CCC&TI website at: www.cccti.edu/ds