Academic Integrity Policy
It is the responsibility of every student, staff member, and instructor at CCC&TI to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. For this reason, the college will not tolerate any instance of plagiarism or cheating, or any act that violates standards necessary to maintain academic honesty.
Violations of the college’s Academic Integrity Policy include, but are not limited to:
- Cheating includes taking, possessing, or using any academic material (test information, research papers, notes, etc.) without permission; receiving or giving help during tests; copying or attempting to copy another person’s paper, exam, assignments or similar materials, or other graded work; or allowing another to copy such paper, exam or graded work. In addition, use of any unauthorized electronic devices during a testing situation may be in violation of the policy as well.
- Plagiarism is defined as representing as one’s own another’s work or ideas, or any part thereof, published or unpublished. It includes copying a phrase, sentence, or passage from another’s work and not identifying or citing that source; failing to cite a source fully, inadequate paraphrasing or summarizing; or attempting to pass off as one’s own a paper written by another.
- Collaboration is intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. It includes intentionally allowing another to copy from one’s paper during an examination or test; intentionally distributing test questions or substantive information about the material to be tested before the scheduled exercise; collaborating on academic work knowing that the collaboration will not be reported; taking an examination or test for another student, or signing a false name on an academic exercise. THESE BECOME VIOLATIONS WHEN THEY INVOLVE DISHONESTY. Instructors should make expectations about collaborations clear to students. Students should seek clarification when in doubt.
- Furnishing false information with the intent to deceive members of the college faculty or administration who are acting in the exercise of their official duties.
Violations of this policy will result in failure of the course and academic probation for one semester. Subsequent violations will result in suspension or expulsion from the college. Any student who disagrees with the penalty associated with violations of the academic integrity policy may file an appeal in accordance with the college’s Grade Appeal Procedure as outlined in the college catalog and student handbook.
*Approved by the Board of Trustees, July 15, 2015