Nurse Aide Refresher

This 48-hour course is designed to refresh the student's knowledge of Nurse Aide l theory and skills. Students are provided with a comprehensive review that will better prepare them to successfully pass the written and skills examination required by North Carolina for relisting. The Nurse Aide I Candidate Handbook is provided as the basis for skill demonstration, practice, and proficiency.  

Admission Requirements:

  • Proof of completion of a minimum 75-hour state approved Nurse Aide l course
  • Proof of an unencumbered Nurse Aide I listing that has expired within the past three years
  • Documented proof of any name changes since initial/previous listing
  • Government-issued photo ID - First and Last Names must match Social Security card
  • Non-laminated Social Security card - First and Last names must match the government-issued photo ID

You do not qualify for this course:

  • If It has been longer than three years since your registry expired
  • If you have taken the NNAAP test three times since your CNA course and failed. (See the NC Nurse Aide l candidate handbook for Eligibility)


Who can attend a Refresher Course?


This course is designed for individuals who:

  • Have an expired NC Nurse Aide I listing with no substantiated findings or who have successfully completed a NC Nurse Aide I Program from an accredited institution (minimal 75 hour course) within the last three years. Students who have attempted and failed the State Exam three times are ineligible for this course.
  • Have a current Nurse Aide I listing from another state with no substantiated findings
  • Have an expired out-of-state listing with no substantiated findings or a successful completion of a Nurse Aide I Program from an out-of-state accredited institution within the last three years
  • Individuals who have received and approved Training Waiver from NC DHSR. Students must present the Waiver when registering for the class
    • The Waiver eligibility list and application are found under Forms at the Health Care Personnel Education and Credentialing Section of the NC DHSR website

A certificate of completion from the institution and a copy of a previous CNA listing with no findings must be presented when registering.


Additional requirements for the first day of class:

  • Non-laminated Social Security Card
  • Valid Drivers license (First and last names must match on SS card and DL)
  • Students must wear scrubs to class. The color is up to the student.

Nurse Aide l Requirements

1. Photo ID (government issued; current, name must match social security card) 

2. Social Security Card (signed; name must match photo ID, and cannot be laminated) 

3. Immunization Records - MUST HAVE the following immunizations documented: 

     • DPT (3-5 doses) or Tetanus Booster or Tdap within past 10 years 

     • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) (2 doses/ positive blood titer) 

     • Influenza (flu) (1 dose annually during flu season)

     • Varicella (chicken pox) (2 doses or blood titer=/>1.09) 

     • Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) - current, negative, or documentation of (negative) chest x-ray 

     • Hepatitis B - (3 shots OR Positive Hepatitis B titer OR Declination) 

     • Covid Vaccine (clinic site requirement) 

4. Reading Placement Test Score form (given to you at end of Intro to Health Care Services class)

5. Non-Certified Criminal Background Check – must be within 6 months of clinical date (Clerk of Court office in your county of residence – one year)


Note: If you are planning to enroll in nursing school, this course MAY NOT meet the required pre-requisite for the school you are applying to. You are encouraged to research this before registering.