Testing Center
The purpose of CCC&TI’s Testing Center is to provide appropriate, fair, accessible and reliable services to students, faculty and staff. New students who graduated more than ten years ago will be referred to this area for placement assessments that determine appropriate beginning courses in English and math. High school equivalency tests (Pearson Vue and HiSET) are administered by the testing center. Instructor makeup tests are administered through the testing center for students who have missed a regularly scheduled test in the classroom and for students taking individualized instruction. Testing for online courses are given in the testing center as well as proctored tests for other colleges and universities. In addition our testing center also provides proctoring for third party testing services offered by Pearson Vue Testing, Scantron and PSI/PAN.
Testing Centers on both campuses also offer, by appointment, the ATI Test of Essential Academics Skills (TEAS) for admission into certain Health Sciences programs. You may reach the Caldwell Testing Center at 828-726-2719. You may reach the Watauga Testing Center at 828-297-3811.